Saturday, November 3, 2012

I have more bad news....

It is with deep and complete, total sorrow that I tell you all of the passing of my wife, Kimberly C. Meissner. She passed away at 3:09pm EST today and has gone to heaven to be with her Jesus. Now she also begins the process of helping others by being an organ donor. God bless her for doing that. Thanks for all your prayers. Keep them coming please, as Jimmy and I begin this new part of our lives. Thank you. God bless us all.

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Oh Baby Vision

How to watch the videos on Oh Baby Vision

In the upper left hand corner, there's three horizontal lines. Click that once or twice and it'll bring up thumbnails of all the movies. Click on the one you want to watch and it'll start. It may play the next one automatically, or you may have to click the little box to bring the thumbnails back up.

Now with the addition of more videos, just use the scroll bar on the right to choose the one you want to watch.

I hope you like 'em