Jimmy is 3 weeks old today and he is such a joy. We never thought we could love anything as much as we love our baby boy. We are noticing that he is more alert and wants to stay awake longer after feedings. He's lifting his head and pushing up on his arms ("baby pushups") when he's on his tummy and a couple of times he's almost managed to roll over onto his tummy from his back. That usually happens during bath time or diaper change when he is NOT happy with his parents. He doesn't like being wet and naked. He is a snuggler and would rather be held than anything so we always have a little fussing when we put him down to down to sleep. It doesn't last long and then he's usually down for a couple hours. He's now going about 4 hours between feedings and every once in a while he'll go 5 hours overnight. Yes, we're looking forward to the time when he sleeps through most of the night. But all in all, he's a very good baby and the delight of our lives.
We don't have to go back to the doctor for another month and that will be for his 2-month immunizations. We want to get that done before we move to Michigan. That is set to happen around the first of August. Keep checking Jimmy's Photobucket album for the latest pictures of the cutest baby in the world (in his parents' humble opinion!)
John, Kim, Jimmy, Snoopy and Smoke
At the doctor's office.
Having a quick snack before seeing the doctor.
Dr. Howe checks out Jimmy.
"Wanna go home Jim Jim?"
Jimmy holds Daddy's finger.
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