Friday, August 21, 2009

Hi. I'm N.E.D.

Today, August 21st, 2009, is the third anniversary of my surgical cure from stage one colon cancer.

My story: In the fall of 2005, I started feeling "oogily." Repeated doctor visits, test, hospital trips, yielded nothing more than a case of acid reflux(Which often times can mimic heart problems.). Finally, in July of 2006, my doctor sent me to a gastroenterologist for a colonoscopy, since I was already past the magical age of 50(I was 51 at that time). One polyp was found, removed and sent for testing, even though the doctor said "It looked fine." A week later he called and said they had found cancer at the tip of the polyp. A month after that, I had a colon resection, where my sigmoid colon and any possible cancerous sites were removed.

Since then, I have had several "scares," with the most recent one being a week ago. But, I have passed all tests and remain N.E.D., cancer survivor talk for "No Evidence Of Disease." I am a great example of how, if caught early, colon cancer can be defeated.

If you are 50, get tested. If there is a history of colon cancer in your family, get tested. (The rule of thumb there is, you get tested at 10 years of age younger than your relative's diagnoses age.) Lots of people don't listen to their bodies, or don't push their doctors for further testing, if they don't like the answers their doctors give them. Remember, the doctor works for you, not the other way around. If you feel the need to, push your doctors to keep looking from every possible angle, until all possibilities are exhausted. Colon Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. but is also easily defeatable.

I am several things. A husband. A father. A friend. And, without being N.E.D. I wouldn't be any of those. Get tested. The life you save may be your own. Trust me. And, call me N.E.D.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Three years .... glad your "clean" and I couldnt agree withyou more, people get tested!


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