Saturday, February 8, 2025

Catching Up

 Well, whatta ya know gang? Not a whole lot going on around here. Tonight, watching the news, working on my computer and hanging out with my bunny.

I had a busy week. Searching for an affordable health plan that covers hearing, catching up on important mail and trying to get on top of my health. My mental health sagged a touch, but thanks to some good outcomes, plus the love and happiness provided by the Meissner Zoo, life is looking better. As my priest likes to say, I am uncrushable.

One thing that didn't go as expected, is my access to veterans benefits. I spent 13 years in the Army Reserve, in the mid 70s to late 80s. I can't express my high level of disappointment when I learned that, because my service was entirely in the reserves, I get a DD256, instead of a DD214, a government issued document that shows when I served. A DD256 does not do that. So, any services, which require a DD214 as part of an application, I am instantly unqualified for. And, as I was told by an administrator at a local veterans services office, a DD256 is completely useless. There is a bias that has been present since the 1960s, that views anyone who voluntarily joined the Guard or Reserve before 1975, as a draft dodger. So, for those like me, who did not serve in the active military, thank you for your service and screw you very much. Something must be done about that, so veterans aren't continually denied life changed services.

The animals, Morgan, Harmony, Spot and Mittens, are doing well and are a great source of comfort and entertainment. And I also continue to get a great deal of enjoyment in watching the Tampa Bay Lightning on TV. Oh, musn't forget my overwhelming addiction to root beer popsicles. I recently turned 70 years old. And my wonderful and most beautiful fiance, Dayle, surprise me with perhaps the best present ever, a bright yellow 2004 Ford Mustang convertible. It's so wonderful to be behind the wheel of a Mustang again. It's the third one I've owned and the second convertible. (Bring on the sunshine!) It needs a radio installed, a new convertible top and a rattle underneath diagnosed and tended to. It is such fun to drive my Screaming Yellow Tweety Bird!

Speaking of Dayle, she is a remarkable woman. She serves others as a CNA and is devoted to her children, especially her 37 year old down syndrome son, Jason. She is beautiful, kind, sweet, very caring and I am most thankful for her. Dayle and I will marry sometime before the end of 2025, a day I am anticipating a great deal. I love my Dayle very much and I can't wait to be one with her.

Here's Morgan and Harmony at the back fence, looking for a bark fest with a neighbor dog. They are both miniature schnauzers, my favorite brand of dog. And they both come from Texas. Morgan is a 20 pounder and Harmony is 9 or 10 pounds, just like Stratty was. Harmony arrived December 6th and we bonded the instant we met at baggage claim at the Portland International Airport. She is my velcro dog. Morgan loves to chase his rubber chicken. He is a love bug too. 

Spot came from the Portland campus of the Oregon Humane Society in late 2022. She is a sweetheart and a cherished member of our family. Spot loves nose scritches, enjoys being held and being petted. Spot looks big, but in reality, weighs around 6 pounds. I love my Spotty Spot lots and lots!

Mittens the Kitten Meissner the 2nd came to us from the Salem Campus of the Oregon Humane Society on December 5th, the day before Harmony arrived from Texas. Mittens is pretty mellow, doesn't much like to be held, but enjoys being petted. The dogs chase him a lot, but Mittens, as expected, is too fast for them. Mittens is indeed my pretty kitty in the city! 

I thank God for my family. They bless me every single day!

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Oh Baby Vision

How to watch the videos on Oh Baby Vision

In the upper left hand corner, there's three horizontal lines. Click that once or twice and it'll bring up thumbnails of all the movies. Click on the one you want to watch and it'll start. It may play the next one automatically, or you may have to click the little box to bring the thumbnails back up.

Now with the addition of more videos, just use the scroll bar on the right to choose the one you want to watch.

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