Today was my 54th birthday and while today was special, the whole weekend was fun. Saturday, I took part in a high school baseball scrimmage/umpire's clinic(Imagine umpiring baseball in January in most parts of the country!), then we all(Me, Kim, Jimmy, Snoopy and Smoke all drove to Tampa/St. Pete/Clearwater to show off Jimmy, see friends, enjoy church at Papa Joe's Holy Trinity Episcopal in Clearwater, then have my birthday lunch at the famous Biff Burger with Ric, Debbie and Jimmy Deane. Ric and Debbie are my Jimmy's Godparents and Jimmy #2 is their son. It was fun! We stayed Saturday night with Kathy and Frank at their house in St. Petersburg. Jimmy played the piano with his new Uncle Frank and Snoopy was reunited with his buddy Scampie. And I got a nice card and a much needed pot holder, a/k/a a new belt. Earlier Saturday, we had dinner with Papa Joe and Mama Jan Diaz. Also there was Betty, who's late husband Jim is who we named our Jimmy after. It was a wonderful time. And at Papa Joe's church today, he was speaking early in the service, then as he began to introduce visitors, we walked back towards us and said "Give me my Grandson!" He then proceeded to show Jimmy off to the whole congregation. Kim and I were so thrilled!
It was a wonderful weekend filled with family, friends, good food and good weather. What made it extra special, was that it was my first birthday as a Daddy. The one sad part though, was that it was my first birthday without my Daddy. But, all-in-all, I really enjoyed the whole weekend.
Y'all have a great week everyone!