....Well, there's take a nap, watch my wife paint the trim in our living room and then get excitedly happy when I learned that my local cable provider, Bright House Networks, is showing last nights CFL game between Saskatchewan and B.C. (See game story below) I wish the game was shown live, but a one-day delay of Riders football is better than not seeing it at all.
HOWEVER....BHSN's backup talking head, some young person who appears to have been in broadcasting for about 15 minutes(I cringe everytime she comes on) said, in a sports minute obviously taped a day ago(at least)that it was a done deal(citing ESPN as their source) that Orlando Magic forward Hedo Turkoglu had agreed to a contract with the Portland Trail Blazers, a full day after Turkoglu had told Portland thanks but no thanks. And the banner on their website, trumpeting the return of CFL football to their air, spells the Riders home province "Saskaychewan." (Hey BHSN....there's a new thing out called SPELL CHECK!!!!) Oh well. All I care about is that BHSN is showing Riders football tonight!
Thank you eh!
Oh, BTW: Happy Birthday America! I would have sent a card, but the post office was closed today.
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